of all, the question of tests. There are a number of tests out there, which do
give fairly accurate results, but not always. Certain questions may be oddly
worded, or certain words may bias the test-taker (for instance, many people
consider themselves imaginative and therefore are typed as iNtuitives whether
they really are or not—when actually most people are Sensors). I have found it
more helpful, when I explain the MBTI to people, to show them the information,
show them comparisons of the dichotomies and descriptions of the types and
functions, and discuss with them what is the best fit. While taking a test is a
good starting place for figuring out your type, be sure to also read up on all
the types and be open to all possibilities.
I encounter a good deal of people who claim to be two types—“I’m a borderline
extrovert” or “sometimes I’m a Judger and sometimes I’m a Perceiver.” The four
sets of alternatives in the MBTI are called the Four Dichotomies. A dichotomy,
as we learned in my Logic class, is an either-or ultimatum, “a division into
two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities,” as the
dictionary says. So Extroversion v Introversion, Sensing v. iNtuition, etc. are
not sliding scales. This is not the “Big Five” personality measurement system.
Either you are a Judger or you’re not. It’s that simple.
think the misconception may occur because some people have had to learn
behaviors that are not their natural inclination in order to cope. In our
society, Introverts have to learn more Extroverted ways, and Perceivers may
have to learn to be more orderly and scheduled at work. But the MBTI is not
concerned with what one has learned to become, but with one’s natural
inclinations. Sure, you may be able to network and give speeches all day with
perfect ease, but when you come home, do you feel drained and need time alone
to recharge? Etc.
one of course always uses only Sensing or only Thinking. The concept of
cognitive functions accounts for the many different qualities people have. But
the MBTI is a question of what you prefer using, what comes most easily and
naturally to you.
the concept of cognitive functions is sometimes scorned, but it really does
make sense when you examine it (as we will later). When one understands what
each of the functions do and how the hierarchy of functions works, one can
easily piece together one’s own type and those of others. (For instance, if you
know that someone uses Extroverted Sensing dominantly and Introverted Feeling
next, you know he or she is ESFP. Likewise, if you understand someone is ESFP,
you can peg his or her cognitive functions as Extroverted Sensing, Introverted
Feeling, Extroverted Thinking, and Introverted iNtuition.) And, as always, rely
more on the concepts of the functions and your understanding of yourself than
on potentially faulty tests.
the next post, I will discuss the Four Dichotomies (E/I, S/N, T/F, and J/P) and
what they actually mean, as well as the cognitive functions (Se, Si, Ne, Ni,
Te, Ti, Fe, Fi), what they mean, and what their positions (dominant, auxiliary,
etc.) entail.
further information on the MBTI in general, here are some links that I have
found informative.
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